Your top teen star turns 14 – He’s ready to be the Man of Your House 4-free!

Don’t look now, but September 8 is right around the corner – all JTT lovers know what that signifies: it’s the day Jonathan Taylor Thomas turns fabulous 14! What’ll Jonathan be up to on that special occasion? How can you get in of the gift-getting fun? Read on!
What the birthday babe will be up to!
Since his birthday happens to fall on a Friday this year, you can bet that JTT will be spending the day on the set of Home Improvement. He’ll be there even later that usual, since Firdays are ‘tape days’ – when the show is actually taped twice before a live audience. But that’s cool with Jonathan, ’cause acting is his favourite thing to do anyway.
You can also bet on something else: JTT’s birthday celebration will continue on through the weekend. Can you guess what he’ll be doing Saturday and Sunday? Well, ifya’ know Jonathan really, really well, you can probably guess. He’ll be out fishing! He and his brother Joel plan on chartering a boat and spending all weekend long relaxing in the sun, hoping to hook a big one!
Party time – You get the gift!
You know the old saying, ‘it’s better to give than to receive?’ JTT sure believes in it: that’s why he and the folks at Walt Disney Home Video have teamed to give you a shot at a super present: a free video of JTT’s hit movie, Man Of The House and a super-size free poster to go with it!!
It was his very first live action movie, and JTT had a ball playing the mischievous Ben Archer. “I really enjoyed making the movie – but I never expected it to be such a hit,” he says modestly. ‘Cause the reason it was a hit had everything to do with Jonathan himself and fans like you, who went to see it.
Man Of The House is a heart warming family comedy you’ll want to see again and again – and sixteen 16 readers will get to do that for free. What’s more, in honour of JTT’s 14th birthday, he’s tossing in a free Man Of The House poster as well. How to get JTT as the Man Of Your House? Cast your fish in’ line over to page 84 and check off the box that say “JTT’s Man Of The House Video & Poster Contest”: maybe you’ll reel in the catch of the day!!
Where to send a card
Wish JTT a Happy 14th Birthday by card – here’s the address to send your most sincere birthday wishes: Jonathan Taylor Thomas, c/o Home Improvement, Touchstone TC, 500 S. Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521.
Be sure ‘n write “I Am A 16 Reader” on the outside of your envelope – that way, he’ll know to open your card first!
Dates to remember…
August 8 – Man Of The House hits video stores
September 8 – JTT turns 14
Source: 16 Magazine, Volume 37, Number 2 ISSN: 0270-899X Date: October 1995 Author: unknown