He gave his all at Nickelodeon’s The Big Help-A-Thon to prove that kids can make a difference!

Home Improvement‘s Jonathan Taylor Thomas is here to spill a couple of very big secrets he’s discovered by working in showbiz!
One: If kids and teens are motivated to do so, they can move mountains. Two: Adults will cooperate whenever they can.
Those lessons are why Jonathan got himself involved with Nickelodeon’s Big Help-A-Thon, which was designed to let teens call or internet in to volunteer time to make a difference in their communities. Teach someone to read, shop for a neighbour, plant a garden – you name it, teens could offer to help and then watch their efforts change lives!
Cool, huh?!! Well, Jonathan, for one was impressed! ‘Cause by the time the 12-hour telethon was over, kids and teens across the country had volunteered over 31 million hours of volunteer time, many of which were fulfilled or begun on the The Big Help Day, a mere two weeks after the show!
Jonathan was so excited, he wanted his fans to know that they don’t have to wait to volunteer. They can be helpful to the people in their communities all year long and he sure hopes they will be! If you don’t know how to get started, he’s got a gift for you on page 9! But in the meantime, here’s how some of Jonathan’s celebrity friends looked as he co-hosted the day’s events!
Source: 16 Magazine Date: June 1995 Author: unknown